You have just installed R and RStudio, and learnt how to open RStudio from the start menu.

Wait until all the packages have been installed and the you are done.Package compilation is likely to cause some errors, and you’re all good going with packages that have already been compiled (typically, these are earlier versions of the package). If you are asked if you want to install packages that need compilation, type n followed by Return.Packages <- c ( "reshape2", "rmarkdown", "data.table", "Hmisc", "dplr", "stargazer", "knitr", "xtable", "tidyverse", "RSQLite", "dbplyr" ) install.packages ( packages ) In the console, copy and paste the following: To install packages, open RStudio (if not already opened in the previous step). You may need some additional libraries to work with R (e.g., some extra code that helps you to run your statistical analyses). After starting up, you should see the version corresponding to the one chosen on the website.

RStudio provides an easy to work with interface to R, and its format should feel familiar to other software environments like Stata or SPSS.ĭownload and install the free version of RStudio for your operating system from here. We strongly suggest you to install R in the directory C:\R\R-4.x.x\ rather than the default directory, C:\Program Files\R\R-4.x.x\. Mac users: pick the release listed under “latest release” (pick the first, if it does not work, try the second).Windows users: choose the “base” subdirectory, then proceed to the download.Go to the R website and download the most recent installer for your operating system.