There Are Five Distinctive Patterns of the Black Tabby 3. Tabby Cats Are Rumored to be a Favorite Familiar of Witches 2.

If the photographer visits this page she should know that I did lighten the dark areas slightly just to bring out the pattern and I subdued the highlights also slightly.Īs to the copyright of the photograph, I would hope that she allows me to publish it here. The 8 Fascinating Facts About Black Tabby Cats. You have this rather unusual straight line from the forehead down to the end of the nose in profile.Īs to the photography, of course it is good but I would have made sure that the dark areas of the fur were illuminated a bit more brightly otherwise you just have a mass of black and it is more difficult to see clearly the pattern. You can see that very clearly in the photograph. A continuation of the forehead with no break”. And the nose is described as: “long and straight. This cat has been photographed in profile which lets us see the shape of the skull which is described in the CFA breed standard as “a straight line is seen from the top of the head to the tip of the nose. I’ve seen Oriental Shorthair cats far more extreme in their appearance than this individual. This particular cat is not bred to extreme. The cat fancy refer to them as “wedge-shaped”. Intelligent and playful, the Siberian cat loves to give and receive affection. Their heads are also bred to be elongated. Formally known as the Siberian Forest Cat, the Siberian is a medium-sized semi-long-haired breed with a stunning triple coat and a charming personality. The Oriental Longhair like the shorthaired variety is bread to be elegant with a long tubular body and long legs. Essay on Cat Behavior Toggle Child Menu.Wild Cats of Asia (for kids) Toggle Child Menu.